Mary Jane Nigiyok

Mary Jane Nigiyok

Mary Jane started beading when she in elementary school for Innuinaktun class, where she would make beaded rope necklaces. Since then, Mary Jane was fascinated with beads and would purchase beads whenever she was out of town. 

In December 2011, when Mary Jane was searching for her sewing materials, she came across a collection of beads. Taking the beads out of storage and seeing such beautiful colours, Mary Jane wondered what she could make with them. 

After searching seed earrings, Mary Jane taught herself how to bead earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. She had always wanted to see if she could make jewelry with fish skin, and also taught herself to do that too after seeing a virtual course in Alaska. 

Mary Jane loves to challenge herself and learn new and different mediums to create art. 

Find Mary Jane's items in the Ulukhaktok Collection

NWT Arts: Mary's Profile

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